Page 204 - oxcatalog-2019
P. 204
Diamond Blade Troubleshooting Guide
1. Using the wrong blade on a specific 1. Avoid using general purpose
material. A blade specifically designed specifications for cutting a single
and manufactured for cutting tiles will specific material. General purpose
wear out extremely fast if used on diamond blades are designed to cut
highly-abrasive material such as block. a wide range of materials. Since it is
unlikely an operator will be cutting an
2. Inadequate water is supplied to the equal amount of both hard and soft
blade. materials at all times, this is not the
most economical method of cutting.
3. Bad spindle bearings, worm mounting
arbor, or misaligned shaft. 2. Make sure water hoses are clean
and free from any blockages.
4. Loss of power, resulting from loose Approximately nine liters of water per
drive belts or improper voltage. minute are required to properly cool a
masonry saw blade. On concrete saws,
9-22 liters per minute are required.
3. Replace defective parts.
4. See machine manual for proper belt
tightening, replace worn belts, make
sure proper line voltage is being
supplied to the motor.
NOT CUT 1. Blade is too hard for material being cut. 1. Select the proper blade specification
for the material being cut. Consult
2. Blade has become dull as a result of blade recommendation chart.
being used on too hard a material.
2. Dress or sharpen with mortar
3. Blade does not cut material it was droppings or by cutting a lightweight
specified for. abrasive building block to expose
diamonds. If continual dressing is
4. Insufficient power, not allowing blade required, the blade specification is too
to cut properly. Often, the blade will hard for the material being cut.
stall in the cut.
3. First, make sure the blade is
correct according to the blade
recommendation chart. If the blade is
correct, allow it to dress itself on the
material to be cut. If it does not dress
itself, sharpen it as you would a dull
blade, according to the procedure
described above.
4. Tighten belts in accordance with
machine maintenance instructions. Use
correct voltage at motor and adequate
horsepower for cutting application.
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